Qonda Reports


What do our users say?

We would struggle without it!

"In delivering an enterprise geospatial capability to a large organisation, one of the risks to trust and confidence in that platform and the value it delivers, is not having a full understanding of it's makeup. Having the ability to view the platform from a helicopter view of the various environments down to the detailed lineages and complex relationships between data, service, webmap and app, has proven invaluable to delivering a consistent and trusted capability to a self-service enabled capability. Qonda has been fundamental in putting us on the front foot or being proactive rather than reactive in operationally supporting and delivering our geospatial capability to the organisation. We would struggle without it!"

This is an awesome product!

"This is an awesome product! I highly recommend Qonda Reports to everyone who manages an ArcGIS environment. Qonda Reports has proved indispensable in finding and visualising all connections between data, map/feature/image services, webmaps and apps, especially when migrating and updating content. The reporting tools make managing users, groups, server services, portal content, sharing & credits a breeze!"

Qonda Reports customers across the globe.